History of the PCC Network
The early mail users' councils were designed to focus on both residential and business mailing issues. However, it did not take long for the local Postal Service managers to realize that business mailers had the biggest impact on their local operations. Gradually, as citizens' advisory councils were created to address residential mailing issues, PCCs became more business mailer Postal Service manager-focused.
Once business customers and local Postal Service managers began working together, they found that many problems could be resolved easily. Processing and delivery improved; customer satisfaction and business and Postal Service revenue rose; and business and Postal Service resources and equipment were used more productively.
Just to name two, the Greater Dallas PCC and the Baltimore PCC were established in 1961. Among the founders of the Greater Dallas PCC were Ruthie Ewers, Jerry Gray and Jack Carroll. They are retired and Board Members Emeritus. Former Postal Service Postmaster General Runyon requested Ruthie to serve as the first National PCC Industry Co-Chair and traveled the country to help establish other PCCs.
Joe Fetcho, owner and founder of Circular Advertising Corporation, was one of the first members of the Baltimore PCC serving on the Executive Board in many capacities. After 49 years with the PCC, he retired during 2010. To learn more about the rich history of the Baltimore PCC, their Website.
Today, there are more than 200 PCCs representing over 100,000 active mailers. Through regular meetings, vendor events, educational sessions, and networking opportunities, PCC members keep abreast of the latest Postal Service developments and work closely with local Post Offices to make mail service more efficient, timely, relevant, and profitable.
As it has since 1961, the Postal Service supports the PCC Network with management and resources, and it views the PCC Network as an important partnership for improving customer service, customer satisfaction and sustaining a viable Postal Service well into the future.

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